
JPI Oceans "Strategic Navigation Forum"

  • Brussels, 11 June 2024, under the auspices of the 2024 Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union
  • Member of the Programme Committee
  • Presentation:
    • "Belgian priorities for European marine research"
  • Moderator for an interactive session

Marine Data and Sustainable Development Goals

  • Brussels, 4-5 June 2024, The Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences (RAOS) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
  • Invited talk:

LRR12: Logic, Reasoning and Rationality 2024 "Transforming Science"

JPI Oceans & JPI Climate "Knowledge Hub Sea Level Rise" Conference

LRB4: Logic, Relativity and Beyond 2021

LRB4: Logic, Relativity and Beyond 2020

Makkai80: Logic, categories and philosophy of mathematics

YRD6: Sixth Young Researchers Days in Logic, Philosophy and History of Science

UniLog 2018: 6th World Congress and School on Universal Logic

DSH - Arts and Philosophy PhD day 2018

LRB3: Logic, Relativity and Beyond 2017

DSH - Arts and Philosophy PhD day 2017

YRD5: Fifth Young Researchers Days in Logic, Philosophy and History of Science

LRB2: Logic, Relativity and Beyond 2015

LRB1: First International Conference on Logic and Relativity

Panel discussions

Equinox Summit: The first European climate science summit

  • Brussels, 21-22 March 2023, organized by JPI Climate
  • Panel discussion about Linking National Research Programmes: Joint Programming Initiatives

Think Tank North Sea 2019 Working Groups Report Presentation

From the North Sea Lowlands to the Celtic Shelf Edge Conference

De Waarde van Wiskundige Modellen in de Wetenschappen


CLPS Ghent-Brussels Seminar

  • Brussels, Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, 25 May 2023
  • Presentation:

FELNET studiedag "Tussen Bubbel en Silo: sporen naar adequate informatie"

CLPS Kick-Off Event

  • Brussels, 4-5 October 2018
  • Presentation:
    • "Using methods from definability theory to compare scientific theories"
    • Slides (PDF)


  • Brussels, 5 March 2018
  • Presentation:
    • "On the generalization of definitional equivalence to languages with non-disjoint signatures"
    • Slides (PDF)


  • Brussels, 27 November 2017
  • Presentation:
    • "Conceptual distances between scientific theories"
    • Slides (PDF)

TPF: Theoretical Philosophy Forum

CLPS Kick-Off Event

  • Ostend, 1-2 October 2016
  • Presentation:
    • "Progress on PhD research: Comparing Classical Kinematics and Special Relativity using Definitional Equivalence"
    • Slides (PDF)

CLPS Kick-Off Event

  • Brussels, 1 October 2015
  • Presentation:
    • "Single-slide presentation on PhD research progress"
    • Slide (PDF)


  • Brussels, 12 January 2015
  • Presentation:
    • "An interpretation of axioms for Special Relativity as theorems of Newtonian Kinematics"


  • Brussels, 24 September 2014
  • Presentation with Gergely Székely:
    • "Interpretation of the axioms of special relativity as theorems of Newtonian mechanics"
    • Slides (PDF)

Talk at Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics

  • Budapest, 26 June 2014
  • Presentation with Gergely Székely:
    • "Interpretation of the axioms of special relativity as theorems of Newtonian mechanics"


  • Brussels, 12 January 2012
  • Presentation:
    • "A generic framework for many-valued logics with a finite number of truth values by means of ordered functional complete truth tables"
    • Slides (PDF)

Public PhD Defense

Using Logical Interpretation and Definitional Equivalence to Compare Classical Kinematics and Special Relativity Theory

Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science